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About Us
Our Services

This is a website originally made for fun by me and a friend, in 2015 together with a YouTube channel. You can check out the original website here. Since then, we have been improving in programming and web design.

Now, I'm making this website just so I can get some skills (tbh just because of boredom in school).

Turns out this website didn't turn out as badly, at least for me.

This website template is created for DaiboX Gaming only, and is not made for free use.

This is a scondary website of our main web. To view the (not so good) main website, click Here.

Most links on this web do not work, because the website is still being created.

The images used above are NOT owned by DaiboX Gaming. Links to the original images can be found in the Gallery.

© DaiboX Gaming 2019

Last updated: 1 May 2019, 04:29 (UTC)